{tab Hot keys}
Hot Keys are simply, buttons binded during the fight causing different activities.
Keys to use magic skills are available from 11th level.
To activate Hot Keys in game: you need to go to "character" > "personal" > "preferences" in the upper game menu. Select "Use short-cut keys in combat" option in "Others" section and save changes.
Full set of keys below:
"TAB" - switch between magical and physical hits
"Q" or "up arrow" - hit in the head or first magical effect
"W" or "right arrow" - hit in the body or second magical effect
"E" or "down arrow" - hit in the legs or third magical effect
"R" or "left arrow" - block or fourth magical effect
"T" - fifth magical effect
"A" - sixth magical effect
"S" - seventh magical effect
"D" - eighth magical effect
"F" - ninth magical effect
"G" - tenth magical effect
Magical effects in the spell book can be assigned to keys all the way through to letter "P"
"T" - 1st Glaze
"Y" - 2nd Glaze
"U" - 3rd Glaze
"I" - 4th Glaze
"1" through to "6" - use the specific pocket in the belt
"[" and "]" - switching between the pages of the belt
"M" - call the currently active mount
"B" - open the battle backpack with wraiths etc.
"Z" - switch the "aim" at yourself
"X" - switch the "aim" at current opponent
"ESC" - interrupts gathering resources and cancels the "aim" selection in the fight
">" - Using the banner in combat
"Shift+1" - 1st quick pocket
"Shift+2" - 2nd quick pocket
"Shift+3"- 3rd quick pocket
"Shift+4" - 4th quick pocket
"Shift+5" - 5th quick pocket
"Shift+6" - 6th quick pocket
"Shift+7" - 7th quick pocket
{tab Functional Keys in the Client}
Functional Keys, contrary to Hot Keys, do not need to be activated. They are useful for chat communication.
"F9" - screenshots (print screens)
"F7" - switches off chat
"F8" - magnifying and reduce the size of the chat
{tab General in a Browser}
"Home" and "End" - returns the page cursor to the beginning of the page and moves the cursor to the bottom of the page.
"PgUp" and "PgDn" - moves the page cursor up and down
"F5" - refreshes the page
"F11" - full screen on/off
Translation: -DIVERGENT-
Corrections: Raging